We provide an Innovative blend

of contemporary multimedia journalism that ensures participants are prepared for the future in a rapidly developing news industry, matching creativity with skills in a hybrid learning environment as our courses are accessible both online and on-site.

MEDIA COHORT – Comprehensive Training Starts Oct. 23 – 29. 2023

We are excited to offer special sessions at the School of Innovative Media, providing participants with the opportunity to take multiple courses at a reduced cost, equipping them with the  requisite skills needed to meet the demands of the constantly evolving media industry.

Whether you prefer the flexibility of virtual learning or the immersive experience of attending classes on-site, our courses are accessible both online and in person.

To register click here.

Welcome to the School of Innovative Media (SIM)

We are focused on providing opportunities for both aspiring and practicing Professionals in the Media World.  From our quarterly Cohorts to individual Streams of Courses, our programs have been designed to give participants the opportunity to take courses based on individual needs, equipping them with basic requisite skills needed to meet the demands of a constantly evolving industry. 


Explore Featured Courses

Media Enterprise

This course provides aspiring media entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills required to establish and manage successful Media Ventures…


2729 Sept.2023

TV Presenting Masterclass

This Masterclass is designed to equip individuals with the essential skills and techniques required to become confident and effective TV presenters…


25-27 Sept.2023

Videography Masterclass

This comprehensive Videography Masterclass is designed to take you from beginner to expert in the world of Videography…


3–6 OCT. 2023

Writing As A Journalist

This comprehensive course is designed to equip aspiring journalists with the essential skills and techniques needed to excel in the world of writing…


2-4 Oct. 2023

News Coverage & Reporting Masterclass

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of news reporting techniques. Participants will learn the principles of news gathering, writing, and ethical considerations in journalism…


6-18 Oct.2023

Broadcast Production

This comprehensive course provides participants with the essential skills and knowledge required for producing high-quality broadcast content for television and other media platforms…


25-27 Sept. 2023

Non-Linear Editing Using Adobe Premiere Pro

This hands-on course is designed to equip participants with the skills and techniques required for efficient and creative video editing using Adobe Premiere Pro CC…


5-6 OCT. 2023   

Documentary Film Production

This hands-on course is designed to equip participants with the skills and techniques required for efficient and creative video editing using Adobe Premiere Pro CC…


9th -13 OCT. 2023. 

About Us

Welcome to the School of Innovative Media, a dynamic Institute dedicated to fostering Excellence, Creativity, knowledge, and Skills in Media and Communication. At our school, we believe that Media is not just a tool for information dissemination, but a powerful platform for shaping ideas, influencing culture, and driving meaningful change. Our Courses are Skills based leveraging on current technology in the industry.

